Every time I go through Andrew + Molly’s wedding I laugh + cry + smile + get giddy + feel all of the good feelings there are! This was seriously one of the most fun weddings that I have ever been a part of. I may be mistaken, but I believe Molly told me that it was one of the coldest August days there was… but that did not wipe the smile off of anyones face! We delayed the ceremony for as long as we could as we waited for the rain to pass because they wanted to get married outside in front of that adorable tree branch and beside the cutest old green truck. As I stood there underdressed for the weather and freezing while photographing the ceremony I didn’t even care that I couldn’t feel my toes. It was the most beautiful ceremony ever. Molly’s dad is the one that married the two of them and his dog was right along beside him the whole time. Andrew + Molly laughed and cried together while saying their vows and everything was magic. I’m awful at writing and expressing my feelings, so I hope that I was able to capture most of the feelings of this day through the images that I shot! But even the images can’t completely express all of the feelings that were felt that August day! Everything was perfect. Even the rain and chilly wind. It was perfect!